“Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.” PSALM 4:1

There is power in prayer.

  1. The political situations have deteriorated. God bring revival to the Haitian government.

  2. Food and fuel shortages have increased tremendously. God make basic necessities affordable and accessible.

  3. Daily protests and barricades fill the streets in many places. God bring peace.

  4. A big part of the Haitian population has lost hope. God you are our only hope.

  5. Fenel, Mimi, the kids, and friends have suffered greatly. God may Jesus be seen in suffering.

  6. Children have only had 9 days of school since the start of the year. God let schools reopen.

  7. Food has been marked up 35%-50%. God may you be our portion.

  8. It is difficult to find food for the children and the staff. God be our source.

  9. The children are happy and healthy. God thank you that you are our satisfaction.

  10. Mimi is sick. The state of Haiti is affecting her health. God heal the sick.

  11. Mimi cannot get to her doctor in Port-Au-Prince due to road blocks. God you bring order to chaos.

  12. HOA’s solar panel batteries have been dead for 8 months. God you are light.

  13. Fuel cannot be found to operate the HOA generator. God you enable.

  14. Without power the security light will not function. God be our refuge.

  15. HOA has not provided food supply for feeding centers in 3 months.

  16. The House of Abraham family and friends need prayer. Jesus you pray for us.

Thank you for your love and prayers. May our Lord and Savior keep pouring his blessings on you and your family.